As told by yogi instructor Sally Lyons
SUP Yoga Myths
Coming into my fourth year of stand up paddle board Yoga (SUP Yoga), I’ve heard it all – the fears, the hesitations and doubts people have about practicing SUP yoga. And let’s face it – most of these apprehensions are just a tiny figment of your imagination. You
can do SUP yoga. You probably won’t be amazing at the start, but you
will get better with practice.
Below are the 5 most common doubts about SUP yoga and why you should start practicing today!
1) I don’t have good balance
You might not be the most balanced person in the world, but who is? Even advanced yogis can have off days when their balance isn’t all there. My best advice? Get on a board. Try it out. It’s best to try on your knees first (or even just sit) and don’t even think about standing up until you feel ready.
While all paddle boards are different, ISLE inflatable paddle boards are amazing for SUP yoga. The length and width of your paddle board will determine how stable your paddle board will be. Give yourself time to adjust and feel the board moving under you. Also, move with your board as opposed to against it. And, take your time. The slower and more mindful you move, the happier and more balanced you will feel, I promise!
2) I don’t want to fall in
What?!?! You’re interested in participating in a water sport, but are afraid of falling in? Get rid of that worry! Walk in the water before class, go for a swim, get wet. It’s fun to fall in. Let us repeat… it’s fun to fall in.
3) I don’t want to do downdog in a bathing suit
The thought of putting your bathing suit booty in the air is terrifying. I get it. That's why I recommend wearing water resistant workout clothing instead of your yellow polka dot bikini.
Good tops:
- Sports bras
- Halter style bathing suits
- Workout (dri-fit) tanks or tees
Good bottoms
- Running shorts with built-in liner
- Spandex shorts
- Capri leggings
4) I’ve never done yoga before
Well there’s a first for everything, right? Do you know how to move your body? Do you know how to breathe? You can do yoga! Remember, you probably won’t be the only newbie in your class. Let the teacher know so he or she is aware yoga is new to you. Don’t worry about the other yogis in class and take your time. Be sure to track down a beginner friendly class and you will be just fine. If you'd like to study up a little first, here are some
paddle board yoga poses you can expect.
5) I’ve never been on a paddle board
Let’s reiterate: there is a first time for everything. There’s no better place than a SUP Yoga class to have your first paddle board experience. Let the teacher know ahead of time so you can plan on arriving early so they can properly show you how to get on a board. Always start with a seated pose or on your knees. The teacher will instruct you on how to stand up if and when you stand during your yoga class.

Now, no more excuses and no more fears! You can do it and I guarantee you will not regret getting ‘on board with some SUP yoga this summer!