<h1><strong>Celebrating Earth Week </strong></h1> This year, we are continuing our tradition of extending our favorite holiday, Earth Day into an entire Earth Week event (April 14-22). By extending Earth Day into a week, we want to help spread awareness of <em>how important</em> it is for all of us humans to get outside and experience the wonders of Mother Nature. In honor of Earth Week, the ISLE team will be unplugging from technology and opting outside each morning to take part in our favorite outdoor activities: paddle boarding, surfing and hiking. Follow our Earth Week adventures on our <a href="https://facebook.com/ISLESurfandSUP/" target="_blank"><strong>Facebook</strong></a> and<a href="https://instagram.com/islesurfandsup/" target="_blank"><strong> Instagram</strong></a>, and don’t forget to tag your favorite outdoorsy photos with <strong>#ISLEsup</strong> for a chance to be featured on our Instagram during Earth Week. <img class="size-full wp-image-71098 aligncenter" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0281/4843/3031/t/19/assets/description_image_earth_week_3.jpg?v=1607642481" alt="ISLE Earth Week SUP Olympic National Park PNW" width="1200" height="600"> <h2><strong>10 trees for every board sold </strong></h2> During our Earth Week event, we will be donating 10 trees to the <a href="https://nationalforests.org/" target="_blank"><strong>National Forest Foundation</strong></a> for every paddle board we sell. When you buy a SUP, you will be helping restore our national forests damaged by wildfires, insects and disease. Ultimately, planting more trees will reduce our collective carbon footprint. We planted 4,320 trees last year and hope to plant over 6,000 this year. <a href="https://nationalforests.org/donate/plant-trees" target="_blank"><strong>Learn about the National Forest Foundation’s program and where your trees will be planted</strong></a> <img class="size-full wp-image-71066 aligncenter" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0281/4843/3031/t/19/assets/description_image_earth_week_1.jpg?v=1607642483" alt="ISLE Earth Week Event paddle board Olympic National Park" width="1200" height="600"> In addition to planting 10 trees for every board, we are offering <strong>$150 off</strong> when you purchase any two boards from our website, including our new 2017 models. If you haven’t seen them yet, you must check them out! <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/" target="_blank"><strong>View 2017 models</strong></a> <h2><strong>Companies we are collaborating with</strong></h2> We always look to collaborate with companies who like to give back to the environment. This Earth Week, we are stoked to be working with a handful of rad, environmentally conscious companies. Stay tuned to our <a href="https://instagram.com/islesurfandsup/" target="_blank"><strong>Instagram</strong> </a>during Earth Week for a chance to win a prize from each company. See what you could win below! <img class="size-full wp-image-71068 aligncenter" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0281/4843/3031/t/19/assets/description_image_earth_week_2.jpg?v=1607642485" alt="ISLE Earth Week Event paddle boarding Washington PNW" width="1200" height="600"> <h3><strong>Wilderness Culture</strong></h3> <strong><a href="https://wildernessculture.com/" target="_blank">Wilderness Culture</a></strong> is a full service media house who are super passionate about the wilderness. They aim to inspire through outdoor adventure. We're teaming up with Wilderness Culture and giving away a new <strong><a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/voyager-wood/" target="_blank">2017 ISLE Voyager</a></strong> to one lucky winner. <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/wilderness-culture-giveaway-win-a-standup-paddle-board/" target="_blank"><strong>Enter to win here!</strong></a> <img class="size-full wp-image-71020 aligncenter" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0281/4843/3031/t/19/assets/description_image_phil_w_three_colorways.jpg?v=1607642487" alt="ISLE standup paddle board giveaway" width="1200" height="600"> <h3><strong>Rumpl</strong></h3> <strong><a href="https://gorumpl.com/" target="_blank">Rumpl </a></strong>creates cozy outdoor blankets to curl up in after a long hike or any other activity you're passionate about. We're giving away a <a href="https://gorumpl.com/products/old-growth-puffy-blanket" target="_blank"><strong>Rumpl Old Growth Puffy</strong> <strong>Blanket</strong></a>, featuring the photography of, Jeremy Koreski. This blanket benefits 1% for the planet and the <a href="https://raincoast.org/" target="_blank"><strong>Raincoast Conservation Foundation</strong></a>. <center><img class="size-full wp-image-71117 aligncenter" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0281/4843/3031/t/19/assets/description_image_Rumpl_Old_Growth_Blanket_2.jpg?v=1607642490" alt="Rumpl old growth puffy blanket" width="600" height="400"></center> <h3><strong>Kammok</strong></h3> <p style="text-align: left;"><strong><a href="https://kammok.com/" target="_blank">Kammock</a></strong> is an adventure inspired hammock company. They believe that adventure changes lives. Their outdoor adventure gear serves as a catalyst to heighten your outdoor adventures. We're giving away Kammock's <a href="https://kammok.com/products/hanging-in-the-parks-bundle" target="_blank"><strong>Hanging in the Parks Hammock Bundle</strong></a>. Each one sold sends 1000 kids outside.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">Bundle includes a limited edition:</p> <ul> <li style="text-align: left;">Forest Green Roo</li> <li style="text-align: left;">Hanging in the Parks Tshirt</li> <li style="text-align: left;">Hanging in the Parks Sticker</li> <li style="text-align: left;">Python Straps</li> </ul> <center><img class="size-full wp-image-71113 aligncenter" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0281/4843/3031/t/19/assets/description_image_Kammock_hanging_in_the_parks.jpg?v=1607642491" alt="Kammock hanging in the parks" width="600" height="400"></center> <h3><strong>M22</strong></h3> <p style="text-align: left;"><a href="https://m22.com/" target="_blank"><strong>M22</strong></a> is an outdoor clothing brand started by two brothers who share a passion for kiteboarding and a love for their favorite local road on the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leelanau_Peninsula" target="_blank"><strong>Leelanau Peninsula</strong></a> in Michigan, M-22. We're giving away an M22 package which includes: a shirt, hat and sweatshirt. During our Earth Week Event, they will donating to the Leelanau conservancy for each M22 product sold.</p> <center><img class="size-full wp-image-71114 aligncenter" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0281/4843/3031/t/19/assets/description_image_m22.jpg?v=1607642493" alt="M22 clothing giveaway" width="600" height="400"></center> <h3><strong>National Forest Foundation</strong></h3> <p style="text-align: left;">The National Forest Foundation is a nonprofit partner of the U.S Forest Service who promote the health and public enjoyment of our National Forest System. As mentioned earlier, they will be helping us plant 10 trees for every paddle board we sell during Earth Week.</p> <center><img class="size-full wp-image-71643 aligncenter" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0281/4843/3031/t/19/assets/description_image_ISLE_Earth_Week.jpg?v=1607642495" alt="" width="608" height="320"></center> <h3><strong>Woodzee</strong></h3> <p style="text-align: left;">Woodzee is a sunglasses company who use different types of recycled wood to shape their frames. Protect your eyes in style while enjoying your favorite outdoor activates. We're giving away a pair of their shades.</p> <center><img class="size-full wp-image-71125 aligncenter" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0281/4843/3031/t/19/assets/description_image_woodzee.jpg?v=1607642497" alt="ISLE earth week Woodzee giveaway" width="600" height="400"></center> <h2><strong>Final thoughts</strong></h2> Earth Day was created to support environmental protection, but also to celebrate the gorgeous planet we live on. In order to keep our earth healthy, there plenty of small things we can do to help make the environment stronger around us. This Earth Day, think about what you can do to celebrate our planet. It could be as simple as taking a hike, surfing, cleaning up your local beach/park, or donating to environmentally conscious organizations that are improving our planet.