<strong>We're getting ready for another epic Warehouse Clearance Sale with boards starting at just $99! </strong> Grab your friends and family and score the most insane deals of the year on epoxy and soft top stand up paddle boards. Scroll down to see the details. <h2><strong>When:</strong></h2> Saturday, November 16, 2019, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. This sale is first come, first served, so get here early to get the best boards for the lowest price. * This is a 1-Day Sale and we will not let anyone come on an earlier date. <h4><strong><a href="https://business.facebook.com/events/517377999044103/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">RSVP on Facebook</a></strong></h4> <h2><strong>Where: </strong></h2> The sale will be held ONLY at our warehouse in San Diego, CA. 301 W 28th St, Suite C. National City, CA 91950 * Note this is a different address than our Retail Store * We CANNOT ship boards -- This sale is specific to our San Diego Warehouse <h2><strong>What’s On Sale </strong></h2> We’re offering the deepest discounts on all <strong>used</strong>, <strong>returned,</strong> and <strong>shipping damaged</strong> inflatable, epoxy, and soft top paddle boards. All boards have been profesionally reparied and are watertight. <h3> <strong>Amazing deals on some of our best selling boards</strong>:</h3> <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/cruiser-soft-top/">Soft Tops</a>: $99-199 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/versa/">Versas</a>: $299 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/outpost/">Outposts</a>: $299 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/glider-wood/">Gliders</a>: $399 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/inflatables/explorer/">Explorer</a>: $449 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/frontier">Frontiers</a>: $449 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/inflatables/all-around-isup/">Pioneer</a>: $449 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/inflatables/sportsman-isup/">Sportsman</a>: $449 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/inflatables/scout-isup/">Scout</a>: $449 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/voyager-wood/">Voyagers</a>: $449 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/inflatables/discovery-isup/">Discovery</a>: $499 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/glider-limited-edition">LE Gliders</a>: $549 <a href="https://www.islesurfandsup.com/stand-up-paddle-boards/inflatables/megalodon/">12' & 15' Megalodons</a>: $549 <h3><strong>Payments Options: </strong></h3> You can use major credit cards as well as cash. No personal checks will be accepted. Hope to see you there! <strong>ALL SALES FINAL & NO RETURNS</strong> DON'T FORGET TO BRING RACKS AND/OR STRAPS TO TRANSPORT YOUR NEW SUP <img class="alignnone wp-image-125991 size-full" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0281/4843/3031/t/19/assets/description_image_see_you_there.jpg?v=1607642755" alt="" width="600" height="314">