Month of Thankfulness: Adventure & Life

Posted on November 9, 2021 by Reed Naliboff

If you look at the top global Google searches each year, ranking at the very top are keywords such as: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and more. All ways to connect with people, and showcase the moments and ideas that matter most to us. But what happens after you post?

For most, the question that sits in the back of our minds is: what’s next? Is there actually a greater adventure left for my life? As Thanksgiving comes up, we want to dive deep into another question: what’s before us right now? We believe life is better in balance because there is so much to live for, and so much to be thankful for—the people around us, our overall health, and the moments to come. As we explore what thankfulness looks like this month, we hope to show you why paddle boarding means so much more than just an activity to do outdoors.


Adventure, life, purpose, meaning—all words that hold this tension between the good and bad parts of our day-to-day lives. We’re either excited to take on the next item on our bucket list, finding new reasons to live, or worried we’re not doing enough… But what if we told you the timeline we all thought we had for our lives is imaginary?

Who’s to say that there aren’t more adventures left for your life? Being thankful for the experiences we’ve lived, and the ones to be lived, is good for our overall view on life, and in turn, our health. Psychology Today talks about how feelings of uncertainty and doubt often leave people feeling like fear is greater than the chance of taking bigger risks and adventures.


However, the article also cites that choosing to feel those feelings and making a practice out of overcoming the fear, frees people to live their present life with a greater sense of intention and purpose. If you found out that you could overcome the fear and doubt in your life, would you start today? Thankfulness for the current moments and adventures, opens up a lifetime more than we bargained for.


Now wait, you might be thinking, what does this have to do with paddle boarding? Well, like we’ve said before, life is better in balance (mind, body, and soul). But so much more than that, it’s a balance between our yesterdays and our tomorrows, our fears and our victories, our present adventures, and all that’s to come. That’s the balance we crave, and it starts with being thankful for the adventure of a life we have right now, in this moment, even when it’s hard to feel that way.