The Most Amazing Place to Paddle Board in Baja, Mexico

Posted on January 24, 2017 by Doug Robichaud

The Bay of the Angels 

As told by ISLE Ambassadors Jack & Amanda (@NatureTold) Bahía de Los Angeles is a paddle boarding paradise. The combination of perfect water, desert islands, thick biodiversity and seclusion all come together to create a perfect paddle board destination. Paddle boarding in Baja Mexico Like most small towns in Baja, Bahia de Los Angeles is a place where stark desert meets sparkling sea. A key feature of the bay (Gulf of California) that surrounds the town is the crystal-clear water, allowing you to fully observe the creatures living in the bay including a plethora of:
  • Starfish
  • Puffer-fish
  • Stingrays
  • Sea lions
  • Dolphins
  • And more!
Paddle boarding in Baja Mexico Every morning spent in Bahia de Los Angeles, Jack and I would wake up to the most beautiful colors we’ve ever seen. But, there was one morning in particular that I will remember for the rest of my life. Jack was flying a drone to capture the spectacular sunrise. I was a good distance out on my ISLE paddle board when I noticed fins gliding in and out of the water. As they swam around me, daring to get closer and closer, I became aware of the power and ease with which they moved through the water. I stiffened slightly under that familiar sensation of being outside of my own human element as they swam belly up under my board. This was their sea; and I was just a visitor.

Places to stay in Bahia de Los Angeles

If you decide you would like some shelter while staying in Bahia De Los Angeles, you can stay with our friend Antonio and his family at Campo Archelon. Campo Archelon offers:
  • Fire pits
  • Flushing toilets
  • Hot showers
  • Free kayak rentals
Paddle boarding in Baja Mexico

Boondocking in Baja Mexico

If you don’t need any amenities and want to get away from it all, boondock at Punta La Gringa, aka Gringo Point at the north end of the bay (22 minutes away). Gringo Point is super isolated from civilization and has an abundance of diverse wildlife. Keep in mind, the road that leads to Gringo Point ends abruptly at high tide. The tide also creates a shallow channel of water for part of the day. During our mornings boondocking, we watched long-billed curlews use their tweezer like beaks to scoop up tiny crabs from the temporary channel of water. Later in the day a lone coyote passed through camp, using the dried channel as a road. Paddle boarding in Baja Mexico

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